Celebrating the Life of Nelson Mandela

December 10, 2013:

As the OIC International family reflects on the legacy of Nelson Mandela we are comforted by the fact that positive and transformative change can happen, particular in the lives of the most vulnerable. Nelson Mandela’s life is the perfect testimony of servant leadership. We are reminded of a proverb, “the test of a true leader, is at the end of the day, when the battle is won, the people will say, look what we have done.” Mandela’s life is the best representation of the strength of a people’s struggle for dignity, and ownership of their own destiny.

As I reflect on my time in Johannesburg, representing survivors of apartheid before South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, I understood then that my life would be forever focused on the lives of the most vulnerable. President Mandela served as my standard bearer for what was possible and inspires my work today with OIC International. In his own words, President Mandela said, “the ideals we cherish, our fondest dreams and fervent hopes may not be realized in our lifetime. But that is beside the point. The knowledge that in your day you did your duty, and lived up to the expectations of our fellow men is in itself a rewarding experience and magnificent achievement.”

Mandela’s decision to maintain his fight despite the great odds created the space for others to act courageously and seek justice and fairness. Our late founder Rev. Leon Sullivan, moved by the struggle for freedom and dignity traveled to South Africa as a member of the board of General Motors, during the height of apartheid and returned to the United States to organize Fortune 500 CEO’s to draft the Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility.  This is just one example of the many the world family continues to share.  As we prepare to say goodbye to the physical body of Mandela, we remain empowered by his legacy and his courage and conviction is ever present in the work we do every day.

Thank you Madiba,


Crispian Kirk
President and CEO
OIC International

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