OICI brings people above the line

In Cameroon, there is a line that separates people.

It is not a physical line. You can’t see it and you can’t feel it. It doesn’t separate two parts of the country and it is not a border between two towns. It is a line that has a much greater impact than any physically tangible line. It is a thick line of poverty that separates those with the means to live a healthy life and those without those means, who cannot afford many of the daily necessities we take for granted, such as food.

OIC International is proud to announce that we are bringing people above the line. We saw people who couldn’t rise up, who couldn’t do anything to move their families to a more comfortable life, and decided it was time to do something about that thick line.

Since 1986, our training programs in Cameroon have been helping individuals gain the skills necessary to become employed, empowering them to access the means to a healthy life. In 2010, we have expanded our operations in Cameroon with a new Textile and Fashion Design Department.

Our new department has launched trainees in seven different types of jobs. This year, we are empowering two hundred and eight males and seventy-six females to rise above that thick line of poverty. Additionally, we are training seventy-five people in hotel catering, seventy in metal fabrication and many more in areas such as Wood Work, Auto Mechanics, Information and Communication Tech, and building construction.

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